Thursday, January 24, 2013

PVCHR: India: Threats to human rights defenders of PVCHR

PVCHR: India: Threats to human rights defenders of PVCHR ...: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Issue: Intimidation, right to life with dignity, threat to human righ...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fwd: वाराणसी जिले के सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन को धमकी के सम्बन्ध में |

Date: 2013/1/16
Subject: वाराणसी जिले के सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन को धमकी के सम्बन्ध में |
To:, Anil Kumar Parashar <>,,
Cc: Lenin Raghuvanshi <>,,

सेवा में,                                                                                       1जनवरी, 2013                        

सेवा में,

श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय,

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग,

नई दिल्ली |


विषय : सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन को धमकी के सम्बन्ध में |



            आपको सादर यह अवगत कराना है कि मै डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी, मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति, वाराणसी का महासचिव हूँ | मै पिछले 20 वर्षो से सामजिक कार्य कर रहा हूँ | संस्था द्वारा लगातार पीड़ित, वंचित, महिलाओं और बच्चो के अधिकारों के लिए शासन-प्रशासन, आयोगों व सरकार के साथ उनके अधिकार को स्थापित कराने के लिए पैरवी करती है |

जिसमे पिछले महीने से संस्था द्वारा एक पीड़ित सपना चौरसिया का केस शाशन-प्रशासन, आयोग व सरकार को भेजा गया है | जिसमे पीडिता ने अपने पति सुनील गुप्ता पर अमानवीय व्यवहार और जान से मारने की बात कही है | उसके द्वारा दिनांक 19/12/2012 को बहलफ़ बयान श्रीमान वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधिक्षक, वाराणसी को रजिस्टर्ड डाक से प्रेषित किया जा चुका है |

इस केस में मुझे कई स्थानीय लोगो द्वारा दबाव बनाया जा रहा है कि मै इस केस से हट जाऊं नहीं तो मेरे सेहत के लिए ठीक नहीं होगा |

इसी क्रम में आज दिनांक 16/01/2013 को सुबह 11:52 AM पर मोबाइल नंबर 9452302585 से मेरे मोबाइल नंबर 9935599333 पर एक व्यक्ति ने मुझे इस केस से हट जाने के लिए कहा और न हटाने पर आगे देख लेने की धमकी देने लगा और उसने बताया कि यह वह दूसरी बार फोन पर समझा रहा हूँ अब नहीं समझाऊंगा बल्कि तुम्हे झूठे केस में फसा कर तुम्हे बर्बाद कर दूंगा मै सेल टैक्स ऑफिस का ऑफिसर बोल रहा हूँ | साथ ही उसने मुझे जल्द ही देख लेने की धमकी दी और मैंने फोन काट दिया | जिससे मै मानसिक रूप से बहुत परेशान हूँ |

अतः श्रीमान जी से विनम्र निवेदन है कि कृपया इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए उपरोक्त नंबर को ट्रेस करके धमकी देने वाले तथाकथित सेल टैक्स ऑफिसर की गिरफ्तारी की जाय |     


संलग्नक :

1.       पीड़ित द्वारा दिनांक 19/12/2012 को श्रीमान वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधिक्षक, वाराणसी को भेजे गए बहलफ़ बयान की कापी




डा0 लेनिन


Friday, January 11, 2013

PVCHR: NHRC asks the Delhi Govt. to pay rupees five lakhs...

PVCHR: NHRC asks the Delhi Govt. to pay rupees five lakhs...: New Delhi, 10th January, 2013 The National Human Rights Commission has asked the Delhi Go...

New Delhi, 10th January, 2013

The National Human Rights Commission has asked the Delhi Government to pay rupees five lakhs as monetary relief to a minor, who suffered sexual harassment by a Delhi Police constable. It has also called for a compliance report from the Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi, along with a proof of payment. 

The Commission has directed that the money should be put into a fixed deposit in her name, the interest from which her legal guardian would be authorized to use for her welfare while she is a minor. The principal, together with any accrued interest, would be at her disposal when she becomes an adult. 

The Commission took up this case on the basis of a complaint quoting a media report dated the 13th February, 2012 about the incident. Reportedly, a 12 year old girl was molested by a Delhi Police constable. On the basis of the material on record submitted by the concerned authorities before the Commission in response to its notices, it was found that the constable had prima-facie outraged the modesty of the minor girl and for this he was an accused in FIR No. 22 dated 11th February, 2012 u/s 354 IPC at Police Station, Mandir Marg, New Delhi. He had also been suspended from service. 

The Commission observed that prima-facie, a public servant had abused his position/power and violated the human rights of a minor girl for which the State is liable and issued show cause notices to the Government of NCT of Delhi through its Chief Secretary and the Delhi Police Commissioner. They were also asked to inform about further action against the constable. 

In response, the Commission has been informed that a challan had been filed in the matter before a court. It was also said that the Commission might decide the monetary relief to the victim as per the provision laid down in this regard. The Commission, therefore, recommended the Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi to make payment of rupees five lakhs as monetary relief to the victim. 
Case Details of File Number: 1366/30/3/2012
Diary Number20693
Name of the VictimONE GIRL
Place of IncidentMANDIR MARG
Date of Incident1/1/1991
Direction issued by the CommissionThe Commission received a complaint dated 17/02/2012 from Shruti Nagvanshi of a social organization enclosing a news paper report dated 13/02/2012 which mentions that a Delhi police constable Vikas Tomar has been suspended for allegedly molesting a 12 years old girl and a criminal case has been registered at PS Mandir Marg. In response to the notice dated 14/03/2012, the Commission has received a report dated 09/05/2012 from the Addl. Commissioner of Police, Vigilance, Delhi which mentions that enquiry reveals that on 11/02/2012 Shri Dharam r/o Village Churara, Maurani Pur, district Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh (Present address Jhuggi, Upper Ridge Road, Delhi) has reported that constable Vikas Tomar has been apprehended with the help of other labourers while he was molesting his niece Raj Kumari, aged 12 years and handed over to the local police of PS Mandir Marg. Constable Vikas Tomar and the minor girl Raj Kumari were got medically examined at RML Hospital, but the doctor did not observe any external injury on their person. On the statement of Sh. Dharam a case vide FIR No. 22 dated 11/02/2012 u/s 354 IPC PS Mandir Marg was registered and constable Vikas Tomar No. 13410/DAP (posted in 12th Bn. DAP) was arrested and suspended. The case is pending investigation. The Commission has considered the report which reveals that Const. Vikas Tomar has prima facie attempted to outrage the modesty of a minor girl and for this act he is an accused in FIR No. 22 dated 11/02/2012 u/s 354 IPC. He has also been suspended from service. The Commission observes that prima facie, a public servant constable Vikas Tomar has abused his position / power and violated the human rights of a minor girl, aged 12 years, for which the State is liable. Issue a Show Cause Notice to the Government of NCT of Delhi through its Chief Secretary as to why monetary relief u/s 18 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, be not recommended to be paid to the victim minor girl Raj Kumari. The Commissioner of Police is also directed to submit a further report as to the status of FIR No. 22/12 along with the details of the departmental action taken against Const. Vikas Tomar. Response within six weeks.
Action TakenAdditional Information Called for (Dated 7/11/2012 )
Status on 1/11/2013Commission is considering the reports recieved from concerned authority.

--- On Fri, 1/11/13, A.K. Parashar <> wrote:

From: A.K. Parashar <>
Subject: Ref:- your complaint dt. 17/02/2012, Case No. 1366/30/3/2012
To: "Shruti PVCHR" <>
Date: Friday, January 11, 2013, 5:21 PM

( L A W D I V I S I O N )
Tel.No.: 011-2338 5368
Fax.No.: 011-2338 5368
Telegraphic Add: HUMANRIGHTS
Case No. 1366/30/3/2012
Whereas the Complaint/Intimation dated 17/02/2012 recieved from SHRUTI NAGVANSHI, MANAGING TRUSTEE in respect of ONE GIRL was placed before the Commission on 14/03/2012.
And Whereas upon persuing the Complaint the Commission has passed the Following order:
"Issue notice to the concerned authority calling for a report in the matter within four weeks."
Now therefore take notice that you are required to submit the requested information / Report within from the date of reciept of this notice.
Take further notice that in default the Commission may proceed to take such action as it deems proper.
Given under my hand and seal of the Commission this the day of 1/11/2013.
Encl: Copy of the Complaint

( L A W D I V I S I O N )
Tel.No.: 011-2338 5368
Fax.No.: 011-2338 5368
Telegraphic Add: HUMANRIGHTS
Case No. 1366/30/3/2012
Dated: 1/11/2013
With reference to your letter no. dated , I am directed to say that the matter was considered by the Commission on 11/07/2012 and the Commission has directed as follows:
The Commission received a complaint dated 17/02/2012 from Shruti Nagvanshi of a social organization enclosing a news paper report dated 13/02/2012 which mentions that a Delhi police constable Vikas Tomar has been suspended for allegedly molesting a 12 years old girl and a criminal case has been registered at PS Mandir Marg. In response to the notice dated 14/03/2012, the Commission has received a report dated 09/05/2012 from the Addl. Commissioner of Police, Vigilance, Delhi which mentions that enquiry reveals that on 11/02/2012 Shri Dharam r/o Village Churara, Maurani Pur, district Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh (Present address Jhuggi, Upper Ridge Road, Delhi) has reported that constable Vikas Tomar has been apprehended with the help of other labourers while he was molesting his niece Raj Kumari, aged 12 years and handed over to the local police of PS Mandir Marg. Constable Vikas Tomar and the minor girl Raj Kumari were got medically examined at RML Hospital, but the doctor did not observe any external injury on their person. On the statement of Sh. Dharam a case vide FIR No. 22 dated 11/02/2012 u/s 354 IPC PS Mandir Marg was registered and constable Vikas Tomar No. 13410/DAP (posted in 12th Bn. DAP) was arrested and suspended. The case is pending investigation. The Commission has considered the report which reveals that Const. Vikas Tomar has prima facie attempted to outrage the modesty of a minor girl and for this act he is an accused in FIR No. 22 dated 11/02/2012 u/s 354 IPC. He has also been suspended from service. The Commission observes that prima facie, a public servant constable Vikas Tomar has abused his position / power and violated the human rights of a minor girl, aged 12 years, for which the State is liable. Issue a Show Cause Notice to the Government of NCT of Delhi through its Chief Secretary as to why monetary relief u/s 18 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, be not recommended to be paid to the victim minor girl Raj Kumari. The Commissioner of Police is also directed to submit a further report as to the status of FIR No. 22/12 along with the details of the departmental action taken against Const. Vikas Tomar. Response within six weeks.
2. It is therefore, requested that the additional / complete report as directed by the Commission in the matter be sent latest by 01/09/2012 for further consideration by the Commission.
Yours faithfully,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

उत्तर प्रदेश मे लगातार जाति-धर्म के नाम पर बढते आँनर कीलिंग के मामलो मे पुलिस द्वारा अदासीन रवैया अपनाने के सन्दर्भ मे।

सेवा मे                 09 दिसम्बर 2012

श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग

नई दिल्ली।

विषय- उत्तर प्रदेश मे लगातार जाति-धर्म के नाम पर बढते आँनर कीलिंग के मामलो मे पुलिस द्वारा अदासीन रवैया अपनाने के सन्दर्भ मे।


       विदित हो कि विगत वर्षो मे उत्तर प्रदेश मे आँनर कीलिंग के मामलो मे काफी बढोतरी हुई है, कई मामलो मे माननीय उच्च न्यायालय द्वारा सुरक्षा का आदेश दिये जाने के बावजूद स्थानीय जिले की पुलिस माननीय न्यायालय के आदेशो की अनदेखी कर पीडित पक्षो के सुरक्षा का कोई इंतजाम नही करती और बेखौफ कानून से खिलवाड करने वाले आये दिन इस तरह की घटना को अंजाम दे रहे है या भाडे के हत्यारो से दिलवा रहे है। पीडित पक्ष द्वारा थाने व स्थानीय प्रशासन से गुहार लगाने व जान बचाकर भागने-फिरने के बाद भी कोई कार्यवाही न करने पर भी इस तरह की घटना लगातार घट रही है, जबकि उक्त सन्दर्भ मे माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय द्वारा कानून का राज स्थापित करने व इस तरह के कृत्यो की रोकथाम के लिये  सख्ती से कानून का पालन किये जाने का दिशा निर्देश जारी किया गया है, परंतु पुलिस व प्रशासन के द्वारा इस तरह के मामलो मे उदासीन रवैया बरतने से आँनर कीलिंग के मामले लगातार बढ रहे है। ऎसी स्थिति मे प्रदेश मे बढते आँनर कीलिंग के मामलो को संज्ञान मे लेते हुये पीडित पक्ष की सुरक्षा व अन्य मामलो के घटित होने से रोकने हेतु श्रीमान महोदय द्वारा पुलिस की उदासीन रवैये के मद्देनजर कानून का सख्ती से पालन कराये जाने के लिये दिशा निर्देश जारी किया जाना आवश्यक है।

           अत: उक्त प्रकरण को स्वत: संज्ञान मे लेते हुए उचित कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करे।  




         डा0 लेनिन


   मानवाधिकार जन निगरानी समिति

   सा0 4/2 ए दौलतपुर वाराणसी (उ0प्र0)

   मो0- 09935599333 



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Issue of tinted, black film glasses and curtains in vehicles in Uttrap Pradesh in Particular and India as General

Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi <>

to US-C, chairnhrc, 

To 8.01.2013

The Chairperson

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

Copernicus Marg

New Delhi-110001

Respected Sir,

Sub: Issue of tinted, black film glasses and curtains in vehicles in Uttrap Pradesh in Particular and India as General

Honourable Supreme Court, Writ Petition (Civil) No. 265 of 2011, prohibited the use of black films of any VLT percentage or any other material upon the safety glasses, windscreens (front and rear) and side glasses of all vehicles throughout the country.

Sir,this was done (1) In response to the alarming rise in heinous crimes like kidnapping, sexual assault on women and dacoity have impinged upon the right to life and the right to live in a safe environment which are within the contours of Article 21 of the Constitution of India. One of the contributory factors to such increase is use of black films on windows/windshields of four-wheeled vehicles. (2) The use of black films upon the vehicles gives immunity to the violators in committing a crime and is used as a tool of criminality, considerably increasing criminal activities. (3) Besides aiding in commission of crimes, black films on the vehicles are also at times positively correlated with motor accidents on the roads. (4) The use of black films also prevents the traffic police from seeing the activity in the car and communicating with the driver of the vehicle. 

The recent crime of gang rape in Delhi is an example of failure of implementation of the Court order. On behalf of People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), Varanasi, I pray to NHRC through you to take necessary action and provide direction to the concerned authorities that no vehicle in Uttar Pradesh in [particulars and India in general has tinted or black film in its glasses. It should also be ensured that no vehicle should have curtains. A complete ban is the need of the hour. 

With regards,

Lenin Raghuvanshi

Secretary general,PVCHR

and Member: NHRC NGOs Core Group