Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Solutions against extremism through pluralism, Lenin Raghuvanshi

Lenin Raghuvanshi is speaking in the second Global Tolerance Forum 2015 "Solutions
against extremism through pluralism".Please listen speech in follows

‘Banaras Convention’ for a comprehensive, medley, plural and inclusive culture: 

is noted that in this program along with me Ms. Helle Merete Brix​, a
journalist, author and lecturer, Mr. Kjell Magne Bondevik, a president
of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights and Ex- Prime Minister of
Norway, Mr. Suleman Nagdi​, Loretta Napoleoni, an Italian journalist and
political analyst, Haras Rafiq, Shanthikumar Hettiarachchi​, Tino
Sanandaji, a Kurdish economist, Iyad El-Baghdadi, a writer, human rights
activist and Maryam Faghihimani were the key speakers.

Please read follows links:

#drammen #tolerance #varanasi #kashi #modi #RG #india #pluralism 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Mysterious silence of NHRC in my case: Testimony of Lenin Raghuvanshi.

This matter concerns not only the life and the reputation of a human rights defender, but also the very legitimacy of human rights work in general.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Support voice of voiceless

A documentary film tentatively titled Picture A Change. It's being made by a group of film students in the San Francisco Bay Area, and will document human interest groups in 7 countries around the globe. Purpose is to create a platform for marginalized communities to tell their stories, and which can help them bring in more resources. 

One of stories is in line with the mission of PVCHR. The film crew will go to Varanasi, India and document human rights work being done in the face of injustice and violent threats.

We were wondering if you could help project through donation and  promotion of  fundraising campaign, either on your website, by newsletter, or both. A link to our fundraising campaign on Kickstarter is below:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

अति महत्वपूर्ण

अति महत्वपूर्ण

सेवा में,                                                9 अप्रैल, 2015

श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय,

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग,

नई दिल्ली |


      आपका ध्यान 8 अप्रैल, 2015 के ऑनलाइन न्यूज पोर्टल "नवभारत टाईम्स" के इस खबर "हथकड़ी बंधे लोगो को गोली मारना मुठभेड़ है ?" की ओर आकृष्ट करना चाहता हूँ |

      कृपया इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए किसी स्वतंत्र जाँच एजेंसी से इस अमानवीय घटना की जाँच कराई जाय और दोषियो के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्यवाही की जाय | साथ ही मृतकों के परिजनों को उचित मुआवजा दिलाने की कृपा करे | साथ ही भारत सरकार पुलिस सुधार को लागू करते हुए यातना विरोधी क़ानून को अविलम्ब पारित करवाया जाय |


संलग्नक :

1.       नवभारत टाईम्स में छपी खबर व लिंक |



डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी


मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति,

सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी   




Navbharat Times


आप यहां है - Home » State » Other States » Hyderabad » Suspected Terrorists Shot Dead By Telanga Police Civil Rights Activists Criticise

हथकड़ी बंधे लोगों को गोली मारना मुठभेड़ है?

नवभारतटाइम्स.कॉम| Apr 8, 2015, 04.14PM IST




तेलंगाना एनकाउंटर में पुलिस की कहानी में छेद

तेलंगाना एनकाउंटर में पुलिस की कहानी में छेद

फोटो शेयर करें

http://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/photo/5777246.cmsSee photo

यह शख्स हथकड़ियों में जकड़ा है, अपनी सीट पर बेहोश सा पड़ा है, उसके पूरे शरीर पर खून के छींटे हैं। शख्स की यह हालत तेलंगाना पुलिस के साथ हुए एनकाउंटर में हुई। इसी एनकाउंटर में पांच संदिग्ध आंतकी मारे भी गए हैं। जिंदा बचे इस शख्स की तस्वीर मीडिया में आने पर तेलंगाना पुलिस की ज्यादती पर सवाल उठ रहे हैं।

पांच संदिग्ध आतंकी तेलंगाना के नालगोंडा जिले में मारे गए थे। इन्हें 17 मेंबर्स वाली सिक्यॉरिटी टीम ने मारा। वे इन्हें एक पुलिस वैन में वारांगल जेल से हैदराबाद कोर्ट ले जा रहे थे। वारांगल से हैदराबाद कोर्ट 150 किमी. दूर है।

पुलिस का कहना है कि उनमें से एक संदिग्ध आतंकी विकारुद्दीन अहमद ने उनसे हथकड़ी खोलने के लिए कहा क्योंकि उसे टॉइलट जाना था। वापस लौटने पर उसने उनसे हथियार छीनने की कोशिश की। सिक्यॉरिटी टीम का कहना है बाकियों ने भी उनसे हथियार छीनकर भागने की कोशिश की। इसके बाद सिक्यॉरिटी टीम ने उन पर गोलियां चला दीं जिसमें पांच संदिग्ध आतंकी मारे गए।

विकारुद्दीन अहमद पर आरोप है कि उसने एक स्थानीय आतंकी संगठन तहरीक-गलाबे-इस्लाम बनाया था। बाकी चार पर उसकी मदद करने का आरोप था। वहीं विकारुद्दीन के पिता मोहम्मद का कहना है कि उन्हें सौ फीसदी यकीन है कि यह एक फर्जी मुठभेड़ थी। उन्होंने इस मामले में सीबीआई जांच की मांग की है। सिविल राइट्स ऐक्टिविस्ट्स ने सवाल उठाया है कि 17 सुरक्षाकर्मी इन आरोपियों को बिना मारे क्यों वापस नहीं ला सके। अहम सवाल यह भी है कि इस मुठभेड़ में कोई पुलिसकर्मी घायल तक नहीं हुआ है।

तेलंगाना पुलिस ने इस बात से इनकार किया है कि यह मुठभेड़ पिछले हफ्ते पुलिस वालों की हत्या से जुड़ा है। पिछले हफ्ते सिमी के संदिग्ध आतंकियों ने तीन पुलिसकर्मियों की हत्या कर दी थी। जिनमें से दो संदिग्ध हमलावर शनिवार रात पुलिस के हाथों मारे गए, वहीं इस लड़ाई में एक पुलिसकर्मी भी मारा गया। इसके अलावा एक घायल पुलिस ऑफिसर की मौत मंगलवार को हो गई, जिस दिन वह पिता भी बने थे।

स्टेट पुलिस चीफ अनुराग शर्मा ने साफ किया कि कल मारे गए पांचों संदिग्धों में से कोई भी सिमी या इंडियन मुजाहिद्दीन का नहीं था। शर्मा का कहना है कि जब उन्होंने पुलिस पर हमला किया तो उनके हाथ आंशिक तौर पर हथकड़ियों से बंधे थे।



Monday, April 6, 2015

उत्तर प्रदेश के बरेली जिले में हिरासत में युवक की मौत के सम्बन्ध में

सेवा में,                                            6 अप्रैल, 2015

श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय,

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग,

नई दिल्ली |

विषय : उत्तर प्रदेश के बरेली जिले में हिरासत में युवक की मौत के सम्बन्ध में |


      आपका ध्यान दैनिक समाचार पत्र "राष्ट्रीय सहारा" के इस खबर "हिरासत में युवक की मौत" की ओर आकृष्ट कराना चाहता हूँ | कोतवाली पुलिस चेन स्नेचिंग के एक मामले में पूछताछ के लिए एक युवक को गिरफ्तार कर के लाई थी | लेकिन ऐसा पुलिस ने उस युवक के साथ क्या किया कि उस युवक की हिरासत में मौत हो गयी |

      कृपया इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए इसमें शामिल दोषी पुलिसकर्मियों के खिलाफ मुकदमा पंजीकृत करते हुए मृतक के परिजनों को उचित मुआवजा दिलाने की कृपा करे | साथ ही भारत सरकार पुलिस सुधार को लागू करते हुए यातना विरोधी क़ानून को अविलम्ब पारित करवाया जाय |


संलग्नक :

1.   दैनिक समाचार पत्र सहारा समय की प्रति |




डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी


मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति

सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी


Monday, March 30, 2015

“दबंगों ने उजाड़ा, पुलिस ने पीटकर बंद किया, मुसहरो पर जुल्म की इंतहा, बेघर किया, रहने-खाने का संकट” उत्तर प्रदेश के अम्बेडकरनगर जिले के ग्राम-न्यौतरिया, थाना-कोतवाली अकबरपुर में पुलिस और दबंगों द्वारा मिलकर मुसहर समुदाय के लोगो को बुरी तरह से मारा पीटा और जमीन पर कब्जा करके उन्हें बेघर किये जाने के सन्दर्भ में

सेवा में,                                          30 मार्च, 2015                             

श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय,

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग,

नई दिल्ली |

विषय : उत्तर प्रदेश के अम्बेडकरनगर जिले के ग्राम-न्यौतरिया, थाना-कोतवाली अकबरपुर में पुलिस और दबंगों द्वारा मिलकर मुसहर समुदाय के लोगो को बुरी तरह से मारा पीटा और जमीन पर कब्जा करके उन्हें बेघर किये जाने के सन्दर्भ में |


      आपका ध्यान 25 मार्च 2015 के दैनिक समाचार पत्र "जन्संदेश टाइम्स" के इस खबर "दबंगों ने उजाड़ा, पुलिस ने पीटकर बंद किया, मुसहरो पर जुल्म की इंतहा, बेघर किया, रहने-खाने का संकट" की ओर आकृष्ट कराना चाहता हूँ |

      कृपया इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए दोषी पुलिसकर्मियों सहित दोषियों के खिलाफ SC/ST एक्ट के तहत मुकदमा पंजीकृत कराकर कार्यवाही का आदेश देने की कृपा करे | साथ ही उन मुसहर समुदाय के सभी परिवार को उचित मुआवजा दिया जाय साथ ही उन्हें उनकी जमीन पर पूरी सुरक्षा व सम्मान के साथ पुनः बसाया जाय | साथ ही भारत सरकार पुलिस सुधार को लागू करते हुए यातना विरोधी क़ानून को अविलम्ब पारित करवाया जाय |



संलग्नक :

1.       दैनिक समाचार पत्र की छाया प्रति |

2.       पुलिस द्वारा जबरदस्ती सुलहनामा कराने की छाया प्रति |



डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी


मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति

सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Urgent petition on Custodial death of Shaikh Hyder

To,                                                   30 March, 2015
The Chairperson,                                      
National Human Rights Commission,
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,

I want to bring your kind attention towards online  news link of Milli Gazette on line news " Custodial death of Shaikh Hyder, A blot on the face of #Telangana: Facting Finding Report" on 28 March, 2015.  

Press Statements
Custodial death of Shaikh Hyder, A blot on the face of #Telangana: Facting Finding Report

The Milli Gazette Online
Published Online: Mar 28, 2015
Fact finding team comprising Lateef Mohd. Khan, Ashala Srinivas, Kaneez Fathima, Adv. Greeshma Rai, Adv. Mohd. Ismail Khan, Adv. Kausar Shaik, Charan K.S., Rahul Thal visited Nizamabad district to find out the details of custodial death of a Muslim youth Shaikh Hyder, a daily wage labourer who died in the town-1 police station of Nizamabad district of Telangana state.
Nizamabad District is located in the north-western region in the state of Telangana, India. Nizamabad is the current and official name of the district. The city is founded by the Nizam ul Mulk the fourth of Asif Jahi dynasty so Nizamabad means city of Nizam where Muslims comprise 40 percent of total population. The Nizamabad Municipal Corporation is the municipal governing body of the city of Nizamabad in the Indian state of Telangana. The municipal corporation consists of democratically-elected members headed by a mayor and administers the city's infrastructure and administration. Nizamabad Municipal Corporation is the third biggest city in Telangana after Hyderabad and Warangal. The Nizamabad City Police is the local law enforcement agency for the city of Nizamabad and is headed by the  Dy. Inspector General of Police Sri Y.Gangadhar, I.P.S., and Superintendent of Police Rajshekha Reddy IPS . The city has 5 lakh population and 50 municipal divisions. Member of Parliament for Nizamabad is Ms.K. Kavita and MLA is Mr. Ganesh Gupta both belonging to TRS party. Though there are 16 MIM corporators and 10 TRS in civic body of Municipal Corporation but Akula Sujatha of the TRS and Faheem of MIM are serving as the mayor and deputy mayor.
Facts of the case:
Nizamabad Muslims have large significance in politics as well as in social and education fields. But in spite of this, there is a family living below poverty line; in fact their condition is even worse than below poverty line. This family consists of father Shaikh Babu 65 years, sister Ajmeri Begum 28 years, and two brothers Shaikh Hyder and Shaikh Ahmed, bearing house number 10-10-722/168, Nagaram locality of Nizamabad town. They have 75 sq. yards land allotted by the government. Apart from land they do not have anything else, not even basic facilities. On this land they have constructed walls with mud and broken tin as shelter. Father is a rickshaw puller but now he is not in a condition to work anymore. Our team visited their house on 25th March 2015 and spoke to the family members on the Custodial death of their elder son, Shaikh Hyder aged 22 years. He was a daily wage labourer.
Family statement:
As per the statement of family members on 21st March 2015, Saturday Shaikh Hyder went to the labour adda (a place where labourers gather at one place) at Ahmedi Bazar at 9 am. At 11 am father received information from some local person that his elder son is taken away by the ID party (Intelligence Department) of Nizamabad 1 town police, then again received a call at 2pm asking them to come to police station and take their son as he got injured. On this sister Ajmeri Begum and younger brother Shaikh Ahmed went to town-1 police station and inquired about their brother. But the police personnel did not answer her and were busy in playing games on phones. She said after asking several times, 'please saab(Sir) tell where is my brother, what happened to him', they did not respond even once, after one hour of requesting they pushed both of them out of police station. So, both brother and sister stood outside the police station waiting for brother. She further said, 'after half an hour, two policemen brought Hyder dragging, he seemed to be lifeless, we didn't know whether he was alive or not and another policeman called an auto and sent three of us to government hospital'. Doctor at this hospital examined Hyder and said, 'you have brought him very late, if you had brought one hour earlier, I would have done something to save his life, why did you wait till heavy bleeding, now you take him to Gandhi hospital, Hyderabad'. Ajmeri Begum said, she observed that her brother was not moving an inch, his feet sole were torn badly. Then she called her father to the hospital.
Meanwhile an ambulance was already waiting there, as soon as her father came, some policemen who were in the civil dress shifted the body in the ambulance, one person sat besides the driver and asked the driver to take ambulance to Hyderabad. Father and younger brother also accompanied the body to Hyderabad. They reached Gandhi hospital, Hyderabad on same day in the evening. One doctor examined the body and declared brought dead and the body was shifted to the mortuary. On receiving information of this incident next day i.e. on 22nd March, MBT leader Amjedullah Khan Khalid reached Gandhi hospital and helped the family members, insisted the hospital authorities to conduct the post mortem as per rules and norms.  
Local resident statements:
The local of the Nizamabad town said that, everything was planned and arranged, from auto to ambulance and Nizamabad to Hyderabad. Police thought that if at all postmortem is done at Nizamabad there would be lot of problems so they shifted the body to Hyderabad for postmortem. As per Information received to this committee SI Govind, Corporator Ejaz and Imran Shahzad TRS worker took a vehicle and went to Hyderabad to settle the matter and then and there but due to the presence of MBT leader Mr.Amjadullah Khan Khalid they could not succeeded in their plan .Gandhi hospital authorities conducted the postmortem and the body was handed over to the family at 3pm of 22nd March 2015.Body arrived at 6.30pm to its residence; the locals took the photos of the body where all the torture marks were present. The local People said that the sole of the feet was cut so badly that fingers can go 2 inch inside the cut. Around ten thousand people gathered at the deceased house. The town-1 police came along with a huge number of armed police to the house of the deceased and asked the family to complete the last rites quickly.
But, a group of women who run Rowshni Welfare society said that, 'we resisted and demanded the police personnel to hand over the guilty policemen to us, as it was the matter of torture and death of an innocent, if we keep quiet you will pick up some other youth and repeat the same'. So they protested and demanded that, 'the body will not be buried till we get justice'. On this Superintendent of Police Chandrashekhar Reddy arrived at the spot and assured them that the guilty policemen will be suspended and compensation will be given to the family. But the women said, 'compensation will not bring the youth back, we want the 5 policemen who are guilty, they should be removed from the services and cases be registered against them'. On this SP said case will be booked only after the postmortem report comes out and immediately gave Rs.50000 and asked them to complete the funeral rites and other formalities. But the women group was on its demand for action against police
But in meantime some other political persons also gathered there such as Ex-deputy mayor Mir Majaz Ali, Corporator Dr. Zahoor-ul-Haq, Waqf board vice president and youth leader Javeed and some others. Mir Majaz Ali, ex-deputy mayor from MIM party assured the public that he will see that the case is booked against the guilty policemen and if at all case is not registered he will give private complaint. Earlier the local People had decided that the body would be buried next day i.e. on 23rdafternoon, and ice box was brought to keep the body. But after the police pressure and assurance from the community leaders the body was buried at 10pm at graveyard beside Kacchiyaan Masjid which is 5 kms away from the deceased house. 2-3 thousand people were present at funeral procession. This committee came to know that the local politicians belonging to TRS and MIM who are in alliance in Municipal corporation tried maximum to suppress the issue. Some political personalities who extended helping hand to the victim's family did so only on their personal level; at large these two political parties who are in power are mum on this custodial death only because of their political interest and nexus with police.
A local youth who is politically active (who did not want to be named) informed the fact finding committee that in the night of 21st March the circle inspector Srinivasulu called him at police station; two corporators/councilors were also present there. They showed the photo of the deceased and asked whether he can handle the situation? Then the youth asked what is the matter, the police said, 'this youth died in police custody but you have to say that he died by jumping the wall'. The youth said to us that his conscious is not permitting him to do so because he knew that the youth was not a thief. But he died in police custody during torture and interrogation. The 3rd degree torture methods were used on him and police had wanted to involve that youth in various unsolved cases such as motor cycle theft and burning, chain snatching and other petty crimes. This committee also came to know that, the day when this youth was taken into custody was the day of Telugu festival Ugadi, and most of them were in highly drunken condition. This committee also observed during its visit to the police station, the atmosphere was very undisciplined and non serious.
The local people informed to the committee that Circle Inspector Srinivasulu is communal minded person and he is a relative of Sunil who is the close aide of Nizamabad TRS MLA Ganesh Gupta. The local people strongly feel that the youth was an innocent and died due to the 3rd degree torture under police custody. Due to the nexus between the police and politicians, they are suppressing the issue. The anger of locals is that peoples' representatives belonging to MIM and TRS are taking the side of police and ignoring the custodial death and emotions of people and using all the sources to subside the matter once for all. Local people says that police inspector, sub inspector and 3 police constables are involved in this custodial death, and the corporators of MIM and TRS have full knowledge and understanding on it. Local people strongly believe that Inspector of police was helping the politician in land issues and in other matters as well and now the politician is helping the police to get rid of this case.
Statements of District Administrators:
The fact finding committee visited the town-1 police station of Nizamabad; the atmosphere of the police station was very strange. Police personnel were sitting in groups, chit chatting; making jokes with each other, laughing loudly… it seemed as if it is some market place instead of police station. There was no responsible officer present at the moment, after some time one policeman Talah Khan, sub-inspector came and spoke to us. He explained the overall situation as per his "story" 'public brought Hyder to the police station, I asked why did you bring him they said he is thief so I asked do you have any complaint, so they gave  written complaint, then I registered FIR and handed over to SI Govind because I had other cases. Then at 11 am, ID party Sriram took Hyder to the interrogation room at the backside for taking photo and finger prints. There he got fits and fell down, and then they recived him and asked him to stand outside for fresh air. Hyder tried to run away and climbed the wall and jumped and fell on some sanitary material because of which he got injured, so we called the family and sent him to the hospital. The doctors at hospital did not take care so he died'. Sub-inspector also blamed the Inspector for not handling the situation properly because of which he was suspended. We also examined the scene of offence, the wall is of just 4 feet and it is out of imagination to believe that after jumping that wall one gets so much injured that the feet sole cuts badly and bleeds heavily leading to the death.
This committee also went to meet Superintendent of Police Mr.Rajshkhar Reddy but he avoided to meet us and left the office in our presence while hiding his face in the car. The police personnel present there mentioned that he went to play tennis. It is interesting to mention that when the family of the deceased went to the police station the police personnel were playing games in the phones and when the fact finding committee wanted to meet the SP he went away to play games.
Fact finding committee also went to meet the district collector Ronald Ross; he gave the details of this case that the case is registered against the policemen and executive magisterial inquiry is ordered U/s 176 Cr.pc, which will be conducted by RDO. When asked why not Judicial magisterial inquiry, he said that he cannot order Judicial inquiry, government has to order it, he can only order executive magisterial inquiry. He further said that, "I am doing my best from my side for the rehabilitation of this family".

After going through the above mentioned facts, it is an exact case of custodial death and it is confessed by the Police and Administration of Nizamabad .
1.      The death happened on 21st March at town – 1 police station of Nizamabad district, which was the festival day of Ugadi, celebrated as Telugu New Year. On this day, Shaik Hyder was killed by the police personnel under the police custody and he died during the interrogation due to the excessive use of third degree torture. Investigative officers might have been in inebriated condition due to festival; they might have not understood the gravity of torture they used.
2.      The Inspector of Police, one SI and three constables are responsible for the death of Shaik Hyder. We found that this police station is undisciplined and non-serious; people are behaved with inhuman manner.
3.      They called the family and made them stand for almost two hours without saying any reason. Instead of calling family and asking them to take Hyder to hospital, they should have themselves shifted Hyder to the hospital.
4.      As per the local people, in this issue there is nexus between police and politicians belonging to MIM and TRS; so they wanted to sub side the issue for their own gains.
5.      People are very angry; they are in shock as to why the politicians who are elected by them are protecting the police personnel. The same police were targeting and beating these politicians during the Telangana movement.
6.      The fact finding team also felt that the Superintendent of Police is not fair and he is equally responsible for suppressing the facts.
7.      The police personnel who are appointed to maintain law and order and protect the lives of people; playing games has become more important than the life of a person for the same police personnel. They are not just playing games but playing with the lives of the people.
8.      This committee feels distressed that a family is living in such a deteriorating condition that they don't have any basic amenities, and they are not even in a position to eat two times meals a day. A youth belonging to such a poor background is killed by the police mercilessly.
9.      It is a matter of shame for the whole society and particularly Muslim community.
10.This committee expresses its deep concern that neither the ruling Muslim party, nor ruling Telangana party or any of the Muslim organizations raise their voice against this police atrocity nor consoled the family till now. It is a big question mark on their honesty.

1.      Conduct the Judicial inquiry by the high court judge.
2.      Register the cases against the suspected police personnel and keep them away from the service till the completion of the inquiry.
3.      Government should rehabilitate the family by taking all the measures with all the necessary facilities.
4.      Stop the torture and close the torture cells.
5.      Follow the guidelines of Supreme Court and NHRC in connection of arrests, detention and interrogation.
This committee wants to state that the Telangana government led by Mr. K. Chandrasekhar Rao has failed to protect the life and liberty and self respect of the people as promised during the Telangana movement. In fact, many custodial deaths occurred after the formation of new state, Telangana. It is alarming situation that human rights and civil liberties of people of Telangana is on stake  There is total impunity in Police; they are behaving in a fascist manner with the mindset that they are not accountable to anyone. Moreover, after the formation of KCR government, police has been given with all kinds of conveniences which are actually misused for violation of human rights. It is a matter of high concern that the place where this incident took place is the place from where the Chief Minister's daughter MS. K. Kavita has been elected as Member of Parliament by the same people but till date she has not even looked at the family of the deceased Shaik Hyder in spite of request of people.
The Supreme Court of India has taken serious note in the matter of custodial death and considered it as the gravest crime on humanity. It is high time for the people of Telangana to pressurize the government to stop the custodial killings by keeping in view of the Supreme Court verdict. Therefore, We want to remind people, the verdict of Supreme Court on custodial death: 'Custodial violence includes torture and death in the lock ups strikes a blow at the rule of law, which demands that the power of the executive should not only be derived from law but also that the same should be limited by law-----transparency of action and accountability perhaps are two possible safeguards which this court must insist upon'.

Released on 28 March 2015 by
Lateef Mohd Khan
General Secretary,
Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee. India
Amberpet, Hyderabad, A.P, India – 500013

Therefore it is kind request please take appropriate action at earliest.

Thanking You,

Sincerely Yours,
Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi
Founder & CEO
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights/Jan Mitra Nyas
An Initiative of JMN
SA 4/2 A Daulatpur, Varanasi
Mobile No: +91-9935599333

Friday, March 20, 2015

उत्तर प्रदेश के विश्वनाथपुर गाँव, तहसील-पिण्डरा, थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी में मुसहर जाति की महिला के साथ मारपीट, छेड़खानी और उसका घर जलाने के बावजूद पुलिस द्वारा FIR दर्ज न करने और दबंगों द्वारा लगातार धमकी दिए जाने के संदर्भ में

सेवा में,                                    20 मार्च, 2015

     श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय,

     राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग,

     नई दिल्ली |

विषय : उत्तर प्रदेश के विश्वनाथपुर गाँव, तहसील-पिण्डरा, थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी में मुसहर जाति की महिला के साथ मारपीट, छेड़खानी और उसका घर जलाने के बावजूद पुलिस द्वारा FIR दर्ज न करने और दबंगों द्वारा लगातार धमकी दिए जाने के संदर्भ में |


                आपका ध्यान इस ओर आकृष्ट कराना चाहता हूँ कि प्रार्थी सावित्री पत्नी कान्ता मुसहर,  विश्वनाथपुर, तहसील-पिण्डरा, थाना-फूलपुर, जिला-वाराणसी की मूल निवासी हूँ। पीडिता इस गाँव की मूल निवासी है और कई पीढियों से यहाँ रह रही है | इसी गाँव के बदमाश दबंग किस्म के जय प्रकाश पटेल पुत्र विश्वनाथ पटेल (प्रधान पति), सुबाष पटेल पुत्र सेवा लाल, किशोरी लाल पुत्र मिठाई लाल, अमरनाथ पुत्र मिठाई लाल जो कि मेरे घर जमीन को कब्जा करने के नियत से बार-बार परेशान करते रहे है | फरवरी माह 2015 में यह सभी लोग पीडिता का घर गिराने का प्रयास किये थे और उसका कपड़ा फाड दिये थे तथा उसे मारे-पीटे थे | लेकिन पुलिस के हस्तक्षेप से यह लोग कुछ दिन चुप रहे | लेकिन दिनांक 18 मार्च, 2015 को समय 9 बजे रात्रि यह सभी चारो लोग पीडिता के घर पर चढकर आये और जय प्रकाश पटेल पुत्र शिवनाथ ने ललकार कर इन तीनों को कहा कि इस मुसहरिन का घर जला दो तब सभी लोग घर से बारह निकल कर आये और तभी उपरोक्त चारो लोग मिलकर पीडिता का घर जला दिये जिसमे पूरे घर गृहस्ती का सारा सामान जलकर नष्ट हो गया इसकी तुरन्त सूचना पीडिता द्वारा द्वारा 100 नम्बर पर कई बार फोन किया गया लेकिन पुलिस नहीं आई फिर पीडिता के पड़ोस के कई लोगो ने 100 नम्बर पर फोन किया लेकिन फिर भी पुलिस नहीं आयी। पीडिता के सामने ही उपरोक्त चारों लोगो ने उसका घर जला दिया किसी प्रकार गाँव में भागकर पीडिता के परिवार के लोगो ने अपनी जान बचाई | दिनांक 19 मार्च 2015 को सुबह पीडिता जले मड़ई के पास पहुची तब वहा पहले से मौजूद चारो लोग पीडिता औए उसकी पुत्री लक्ष्मीना को मुसरहीन, कुतिया कह कर गाली देते हुए यह सभी चारो उपरोक्त लोग बुरी तरिके से पीडिता और उसकी बेटी को मारने लगे किसी प्रकार वे लोग जान बचा कर यहा से भागे । दूसरे पड़ोस के गाँव के लोगो ने उन्हें बचाया जब वे लोग थाने पर इस घटना की सूचना देने गए तो उपरोक्त चारो दबंग बदमाश थाने के बाहर पहले से मौजूद थे । वही पर इन लोगो को मारने लगे। जिससे पीडिता बहुत और उसके परिवार के लोग बहुत डर गए और वहाँ से भाग गए और सरकारी अस्पलात जाकर अपना दवा ईलाज कराये |  

                अतः आपसे निवेदन है कि कृपया इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए उपरोक्त चारो अभियुक्तगण के विरूद्ध प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट दर्ज करने व SC/ST एक्ट के अन्तर्गत कार्यवाही का आदेश देते हुए न्यायोचित कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करे | साथ ही पीडिता को उचित मुआवजा दिलाया जाय | साथ ही भारत सरकार पुलिस सुधार को लागू करते हुए यातना विरोधी क़ानून को अविलम्ब पारित करवाया जाय |


1.                   लक्ष्मीना की चिकित्सकीय रिपोर्ट की छायाप्रति।

2.                   वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधीक्षक महोदय को पीडिता द्वारा भेजे गए पत्र की प्रति |

3.                   जमीन का कागज़



डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी


मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति

सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी





Email:  minority.pvchr@gmail.com