Friday, April 27, 2018

उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी जिले के थाना कैंट के पहाड़िया पुलिस चौकी में सिपहियो द्वारा मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी के साथ अभद्रता करने व मारपीट किये जाने के सन्दर्भ में

सेवा में,                                          27 अप्रैल, 2018

श्रीमान पुलिस महानिदेशक महोदय,

उत्तर प्रदेश |

विषय : उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी जिले के थाना कैंट के पहाड़िया पुलिस चौकी में सिपहियो द्वारा मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी के साथ अभद्रता करने व मारपीट किये जाने के सन्दर्भ में |


      आपको यह अवगत कराना चाहता हूँ कि मै लेनिन रघुवंशी, मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता हूँ | दिनांक 21 अप्रैल, 2018 को मेरे छोटे भाई कणाद को मोहल्ले में ही एक शादी समारोह में कुछ लोगो द्वारा बहुत बुरी तरह से मारा पीटा गया जिसके कारण उसके सर में 18 टाँके लगे है | लेकिन पुलिस ने अभी तक FIR नहीं लिखा | उस समय मै लन्दन में था | मै दिनांक 26 अप्रैल, 2018 को शाम लगभग 4:00 बजे वहां से वापस आया तो मुझे इस घटना की जानकारी हुई | जिसपर मेरी संस्था मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति के द्वारा पुलिस के उच्च अधिकारियो से इसकी शिकायत भी की गयी थी जिसका लिंक संलग्नक है ( | इस बाबत मैं कैंट थाने पर गया और इस घटना में FIR दर्ज नहीं करने का कारण पूछा और इस घटना में क्या कार्यवाही की जा रही है इस बारे में जानकारी चाही | तो उन्होंने मुझे पहाड़िया चौकी भेज दिया | जब मै पहाड़िया चौकी पंहुचा तो वहां पर 3 पुलिस वाले थे जिसमे से एक मुझसे अभद्रता करते हुए बातचीत कर रहा था और दूसरा मेरी बात टेप कर रहा था और मुझे उकसा रहा था | धीरे धीरे वो लोग उग्र हो रहे थे और मेरे साथ मारपीट करने पर उतारू हो रहे थे और उसने अपना नेम टैग हटा लिया | मै समझ गया कि वो लोग अब मुझपर हमला कर सकते है इसलिए मै वहां से निकलकर अपनी मोटरसाईकिल स्टार्ट करने लगा इतने में एक पुलिस वाले ने मेरा हाथ मोड़ दिया इसके साथ ही मेरा मोबाईल भी छीनकर गिरा दिया और मेरी घड़ी भी इसमें टूट गयी | मै लगातार उनलोगों से यह कहता रहा कि कानून का राज है और मै कानून के राज पर भरोसा करता हूँ और मैंने उनलोगों से कैंट थाने की पुलिस बुलाने को कहा | इसपर उस पुलिस वाले ने मुझे गाली देते हुए कहा कि साला बहुत मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता बनता है केस उठा उठा कर हम पुलिस को बहुत परेशान करता है यह कहते हुए उसने मेरा हाथ जोर से मोड़ दिया जिससे मेरे कलाई, कंधे और बाह पर सूजन हो गया है | इसी बीच कैंट थाने की पुलिस पहाड़िया चौकी आये तब मैंने कहा कि मेरा मेडिकल करवाइए तो उनलोगों ने मुझे कहा कि आप घर जाइये | जिसके बाद मै घर आ गया और मैंने तुरंत फेसबुक पर लाईव इस घटना की जानकारी सार्वजनिक की |

लिंक ( (

इस पूरी घटना में सबसे आश्चर्यजनक बात यह रही कि वो लोग मेरे उपर दिल्ली में हुए फर्जी केस के बारे में चर्चा कर रहे थे और कह रहे थे हमलोग इसका कुछ नहीं कर पाए | जिसके बाद मैंने 2:51 पर 100 नम्बर पर अपने मोबाईल नम्बर +91-9935599333 से फोन किया | परन्तु कोइ रिस्पोंस मुझे नहीं मिला | इसके साथ ही मैंने 24 घंटे जारी सेवा राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग के मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता हेल्प लाइन पर भी 3:13 बजे फोन किया परन्तु फोन उठा नहीं | जिसके बाद 6:47 मिनट पर उनका फोन आया पर मै सो रहा था इस कारण मै फोन नहीं उठा सका |

अतः आपसे अनुरोध है कि कृपया आप इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए कृपया इस घटना की जांच कराई जाय कि कौन पुलिसकर्मी इस घटना में शामिल थे ? साथ ही उन सभी दोषी पुलिसकर्मियों के खिलाफ मुकदमा दर्ज कर न्यायोचित कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करे |




लेनिन रघुवंशी


मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति

गवान्जू ह्यूमन राईट्स अवार्ड 2007 (साउथ कोरिया)

ह्यूमन राईट्स पुरस्कार वाईमर 2010 (जर्मनी)

आचा पीस स्टार अवार्ड 2008 (यू.एस.ए.)

अशोका फेलोशिप 2002,

सिटिजन जर्नलिस्ट 2013 अवार्ड

सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी



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Thursday, April 26, 2018

उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी जिले के दौलतपुर निवासी पीड़ित को बुरी तरह से मारपीट कर अधमरा किये जाने के बाद भी कैंट थाने की पुलिस द्वारा FIR दर्ज नहीं किये जाने के सन्दर्भ में

सेवा में,                                    26 अप्रैल, 2018

श्रीमान अध्यक्ष महोदय,

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग,

नई दिल्ली |

विषय : उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी जिले के दौलतपुर निवासी पीड़ित को बुरी तरह से मारपीट कर अधमरा किये जाने के बाद भी कैंट थाने की पुलिस द्वारा FIR दर्ज नहीं किये जाने के सन्दर्भ में |


      आपको यह अवगत कराना चाहता हूँ कि पीड़ित कणाद पुत्र श्री सुरेन्द्र नाथ सिंह, सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी की निवासी है | दिनांक 21 अप्रैल, 2018 को पीड़ित अपने मोहल्ले में ही राजेश्वर पटेल उर्फ़ राजेश पुत्र स्वर्गीय राजेन्द्र प्रसाद पटेल के मकान 1/173 ए-2, नई बस्ती पांडेयपुर, थाना कैंट, वाराणसी के यहाँ एक वैवाहिक कार्यक्रम में सम्मिलित होने गया था | लगभग 11:00 बजे रात को वहां पर कुर्सी पर बैठने की बात को लेकर पीड़ित का राजेश्वर पटेल से कुछ विवाद हो गया | जिसके पश्चात् पीड़ित वहां से निकाल कर अपने घर आने के लिए चल दिया स्टेज के पीछे लगे परदे से निकलकर पीड़ित अपने घर जाने को लेकिन रास्ते में ही राजेश्वर पटेल अपने तीन अन्य रिश्तेदारों के साथ पीड़ित के साथ पुनः गाली गलौज करने लगा जब पीड़ित ने उन्हें गाली देने से मना किया तो वो लोग पीड़ित को माँ बहन की गाली देते हुए पीड़ित को लात घुसो से मारने लगे और राजेश्वर पटेल ने वहां पडी ईंट से पीड़ित के सर पर कई वार किया जिससे पीड़ित के सर पर गहरी चोट लगी जिससे पीड़ित लहूलुहान हो गया वही जमीन पर गिर और अन्य लोग लात घूसों से पीड़ित के सीने और पेट में लगातार वार करते रहे जिससे पीड़ित जोर जोर से चिल्लाने लगा जिससे आस पास के अन्य लोग किसी तरह पीड़ित की जान बचाई तभी पीड़ित ने अपने मोबाईल नम्बर 8543856574 से 100 नम्बर पर इस घटना की सूचना दिया था | इसके बाद भी आरोपी पीड़ित को जान से मारने की धमकी देते रहे और हमला करने का प्रयास करते रहे |   

      इसके पश्चात् पीड़ित का इलाज कराया गया जिसमे पता चला कि पीड़ित के सर माँ बहुत गहरे घाव थे जिसकी वजह से पीड़ित के सर में लगभग 12-13 टाँके लगे है | सर में गहरी चोट के कारण पीड़ित दो दिन तक कुछ भी बोल नहीं पा रहा था | पीड़ित का अभी भी इलाज चल रहा है |

      पीड़ित ने इस घटना की सूचना 100 नम्बर पर उसी समय डी गयी थी और लिखित तहरीर 24 अप्रैल, 2018 को दी थी | परन्तु पुलिस ने आज तक पीड़ित का मुकदमा दर्ज नहीं किया | तब पीड़िटी ने उसी दिन रजिस्टर्ड डाक से थाना प्रभारी कैंट और वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधीक्षक वाराणसी महोदय को पत्र भेजा |  

      अतः आपसे विनम्र निवेदन है कि कृपया इस गंभीर मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए जान लेवा हमला करने वाले आरोपियों के खिलाफ मुकदमा लिखकर उनकी गिरफ्तारी अविलम्ब कराने की कृपा करे |

संलग्नक :

1.      पीड़ित द्वारा 24 अप्रैल, 2018 को थानाप्रभारी कैंट महोदय को भेजे गए रजिस्टर्ड डाक की प्रति |

2.      पीड़ित द्वारा 24 अप्रैल, 2018 को वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधीक्षक महोदय को भेजे गए रजिस्टर्ड डाक की प्रति |

3.      पीड़ित का मेडिकल रिपोर्ट की प्रति |




डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी


मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति

सा 4/2 ए दौलतपुर, वाराणसी


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Dalit Woman Commits Suicide After Being Sexually Harassed By Two Men In UP

Dalit Woman Commits Suicide After Being Sexually Harassed By Two Men In UP

PVCHR Communication <>Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 11:25 AM
To: "cr.nhrc" <>, covdnhrc <>, NHRC <>
Cc: lenin <>
The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission '
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

I want to bring in your kind attention that in NDTV on 14th April,
2018 regarding Dalit Woman Commits Suicide After Being Sexually
Harassed By Two Men In UP

Therefore it is a kind request please take appropriate action

1. Fair and speedy investigation
2. Protection to the victim family

Thanking You

Sincerely Yours

Lenin Raghuvanshi
Founder and CEO

The woman, who worked as a labourer in a brick klin, was allegedly
sexually harassed and her complaint was not filed by the police when
she had gone with her husband to Phugana police station, they said.
All India | Press Trust of India | Updated: April 14, 2018 11:52 IST
  by Taboola Sponsored Links Sponsored
Find out Why Millions of Parents Are Talking about This Learning
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Only Child Of An Ola Cab Driver Needs 3 Surgeries To Live (Impact Guru)
Dalit Woman Commits Suicide After Being Sexually Harassed By Two Men In UP
A suicide note was recovered from the spot in which she has alleged
sexual harassment (Representational)

MUZAFFARNAGAR:  A Dalit woman committed suicide by hanging herself
from the ceiling of her house after allegedly being sexually harassed
by two men at Raipur village in the district, police said today.

The woman, who worked as a labourer in a brick klin, was allegedly
sexually harassed and her complaint was not filed by the police when
she had gone with her husband to Phugana police station, they said.

Police sub inspector Subhash Chand has been suspended in connection
with the incident, police said.

Two cases, one abatement of suicide and one sexual harassment were
registered against two persons, who were arrested in this connection,
they said

Another girl-child held captive, raped, killed — this one in Surat

Another girl-child held captive, raped, killed — this one in Surat

PVCHR Communication <>Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 11:38 AM
To: "cr.nhrc" <>, covdnhrc <>, NHRC <>
Cc: lenin <>, Shruti Nagvanshi <>
The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
I want to bring in your kind attention towards news published in Times of India on 16th April, 2018 regarding Another girl-child held captive, raped, killed — this one in Surat
Therefore it is a kind request please take appropriate action at earliest.
Thanking You
Sincerely Yours
Shruti Nagvanshi
Managing Trustee

Shirin Shabana Khan
Program Director

Another girl-child held captive, raped, killed — this one in Surat

Himansshu BhattTNN | Updated: Apr 16, 2018, 08:20 IST


  • There were severe injuries to her private parts caused by a blunt object, according to autopsy report
  • It seems she was confined, raped and brutally tortured before being killed, cops said
  • Police are yet to make any headway on the girl’s identity or the perpetrators of the ghastly crime
Another girl-child held captive, raped, killed — this one in Surat
SURAT: Amid nationwide outrage over the gang rape and murder of an eight-year-old in Kathua, Surat police told TOI on Sunday that an 11-year-old, whose body was found about 10 days ago, had been raped, tortured and strangled to death. There were at least 86 injury marks on her body.

There were severe injuries to the girl’s private parts caused by a blunt object, according to the autopsy report. It seems she was confined, raped and brutally tortured before being killed, cops said.

Police are yet to make any headway on the girl’s identity or the perpetrators of the ghastly crime.


The Surat police on Sunday formed several teams to trace the identity of a girl whose body was dumped after she was raped, torured and killed, and to track down the perpetrators of the crime, following widespread protests by people against “police inaction”.

The girl’s body was found under the bushes near a cricket stadium in Pandesara area of Surat on April 6 morning, “We will widen our probe to trace the perpetrators of the crime. All residential colonies and societies near the crime spot would be checked again to get clues. We will scan CCTV footages of nearby places,” Surat Police Commissioner Satish Sharma told TOI.

Read also: Over 30,000 rapes; 1 in 4 convicted

The details of the case came to light on Sunday, with Sharma holding a press conference. An FIR has been lodged under Sections 302 (murder), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 376 (rape) of the IPC and under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act against unidentified persons, Sharma said.

An officer said the girl could have been raped, tortured and killed elsewhere and then dumped in Surat.
In Video: Surat: 11-year-old girl 'raped', 'tortured' for 8 days

Improve health,sanitation and hygiene among most backward Musahar communities

PVCHR is going to implement concept of "Kitchen Garden" for nutrition and health  & model village of Musahar for elimination of malnutrition and hunger developed by Shruti Nagvanshi​ and Subhendu Bhattacharjee​ of CRY.

Thanks to New Zealand High Commission in India for kindest support 

#endmalnutrition #pvchr #u4humanrights #CRY #newzealand #NewZealandHighComission #mushar

Friday, April 13, 2018

Neighbour rapes 6-yr-old in Rohtas

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PVCHR Communication <>
Date: Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Neighbour rapes 6-yr-old in Rohtas
To:, covdnhrc <>, NHRC <>
Cc: Shruti Nagvanshi <>, Jmn Pvchr <>

The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
I want to bring in your kind attention towards news published in The Telegraph on 12th April, 2018 regarding Neighbour rapes 6-yr-old in Rohtas
Therefore it is kind request  please take appropriate action at earliest.

Thanking You
Sincerely Yours
Shruti Nagvanshi
Managing Trustee
Shirin Shabana Khan
Program Director
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights

Neighbour rapes 6-yr-old in Rohtas

Patna: A six-year-old girl is struggling for her life after being raped by a middle-aged man at a village in Rohtas, around 165km southwest of Patna, on Tuesday evening.
Police said the accused identified as Mohammad Meraz, 40, is the neighbour of the girl. He took the victim to an agriculture field when she was pla-ying outside her residence on Tuesday evening and raped her.
He then abandoned the girl lying in a pool of blood at the spot. The victim's father, a peasant, got wary when he spotted the accused escaping from the crime scene in a suspicious manner.
He tried to follow the suspect but he managed to give him the slip. Later, the father traced his daughter lying unconscious in a bush.
The victim had suffered severe injuries in her private parts and was bleeding profusely. She was immediately taken to Kargahar primary health centre from where she was referred to Sasaram sadar hospital for better treatment.
"The girl's private parts have severely been damaged and she had to endure at least half a dozen stitches. Her condition is stable," the station house officer of Kargahar police station, Dayanand Sharma, said quoting a doctor attending to the girl.
Agitated over the incident, local residents blocked the road and forced the shopkeepers to down their shops' shutters. They also blocked the Sasaram-Kargahar Road and disrupted traffic for over three hours. They were demanding hanging of the accused.
Sharma assured the protesters that the police would recommend the case to be listed for speedy trial. "We have informed our seniors about the demand of the residents, who had earlier held a demonstration in front of the office of the police officers," the SHO added.
He said the accused was arrested late Tuesday night with the help of the residents, who were agitated over the incident.
"We want the accused to be awarded death sentence by the court for committing the heinous crime," he said over the phone. The police have sent the blood-stained clothes of the victim to the state forensic science laboratory. The accused confessed to the crime.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Kathua chargesheet: In J-K child gangrape, rituals, a chilling invite and a police cover-up

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PVCHR Communication <>
Date: Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 12:14 PM
Subject: Kathua chargesheet: In J-K child gangrape, rituals, a chilling invite and a police cover-up
To:, covdnhrc <>, NHRC <>
Cc: lenin <>

The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
I want to bring in your kind attention towards news published in Indian Express on 11 April, 2018 regarding Kathua chargesheet: In J-K child gangrape, rituals, a chilling invite and a police cover-up
Therefore it is kind request  please take appropriate action at earliest.

Thanking You
Lenin Raghuvanshi
Founder and CEO
Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights

Kathua chargesheet: In J-K child gangrape, rituals, a chilling invite and a police cover-up

The chargesheet states that Ram masterminded the conspiracy to kidnap and, later rape and kill the girl. It states that he made SPO Khajuria and the juvenile a “part of the conspiracy and assigned them tasks separately and individually”.

Written by Muzamil Jaleel | New Delhi | Updated: April 11, 2018 7:06:49 am
Kathua chargesheet: In J-K child gangrape, rituals, a chilling invite and a police cover-up
On Monday, lawyers tried to stop filing of chargesheet.
THE EIGHT-YEAR-OLD was gangraped thrice inside the Devasthan or prayer hall, after the mastermind had “performed rituals”. One of the rapists was called from Meerut to “satisfy his lust”. The girl was confined using sedatives, then strangled and hit on the head twice with a stone — “in order to make sure” she was dead. But not before another accused, a police personnel, asked the others to “wait because he wanted to rape” her one last time.
And all this, to “dislodge” a group of Bakherwal Muslim nomads from Rasana village in Kathua near Jammu.
These are just some of the chilling details in the 18-page chargesheet filed Monday by J&K Police’s Crime Branch against the eight accused in the rape and murder of the girl who went missing from near her house in Rasana on January 10 — her body was found seven days later in the forests nearby.
In the days that followed, the chargesheet states, the accused paid Rs 1.5 lakh as a bribe to local policemen who knew where the girl was kept and helped cover up the crime initially.
The killing had sparked outrage across J&K with the government handing over the case to the Crime Branch following protests from the Bakherwal community. The case took a communal turn in Kathua, where an outfit called Hindu Ekta Manch was set up by politicians in support of the accused. Among those who backed the Manch were Lal Singh and Chander Prakash Ganga, two BJP ministers in Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s Cabinet.
Kathua chargesheet: In J-K child gangrape, rituals, a chilling invite and a police cover-upThe storeroom where the victim was allegedly kept, in Kathua near Jammu. (Express Photo: Nirupama Subramanian)
According to the chargesheet, the mastermind behind the rape and murder is retired revenue official Sanji Ram who is among the eight arrested, along with his son Vishal Jangotra and nephew, believed to be a juvenile.
The Crime Branch had also arrested Special Police Officers (SPOs) Deepak Khajuria and Surinder Kumar, a Rasana resident Parvesh Kumar, Assistant Sub Inspector Anand Dutta and Head Constable Tilak Raj in the case. Dutta and Raj were arrested on charges of attempting to destroy evidence.
According to the chargesheet, the girl’s father Mohd Yousuf lodged a complaint on January 12 at the Hiranagar station that his daughter who “had gone for grazing horses in the nearby forest at about 1230 hrs on January 10” had not returned. A FIR was lodged and police arrested Ram’s nephew, leading to allegations of a cover-up by the Bakherwal community. On January 22, the case was transferred to the Crime Branch.
The chargesheet states that Ram masterminded the conspiracy to kidnap and, later rape and kill the girl. It states that he made SPO Khajuria and the juvenile a “part of the conspiracy and assigned them tasks separately and individually”.
“…Deepak along with his friend Vikram went to Bitu Medical shop at Kottah Morh on January 7 evening and purchased one strip of Epitril 0.5 mg containing 10 tablets by showing the prescription of his uncle, who has a psychiatric problem and is under treatment. Although the medicine as per the prescription was not available with Bitu, he gave him Epitril 0.05 mg instead of the medicine written on the prescription,’’ the chargesheet states.
On the same day, it says, Ram asked his nephew to “kidnap” the girl who “often comes to the forests behind their house for grazing her horses”. Subsequently, the juvenile “shared the entire plan” worked out by Ram and Khajuria with “Parvesh Kumar@Mannu, his close friend, and asked for his help”.
On January 10, the juvenile saw the girl asking about her horses. He told her that “he had seen her horses and led her to the jungle”. “He also called accused Mannu. Sensing some trouble, the victim tried to flee but the juvenile stopped her by catching hold of her neck and covered her mouth with one of his hands and pushed her and she fell on the ground,” the chargesheet says.
“The victim fell unconscious and was raped by the juvenile (in the jungle). Thereafter, Mannu also attempted to rape her. They took her and kept her inside the Devasthan under the table over two plastic mats and then covered her,” it says.
On the next day, the chargesheet says, the “parents of the girl reached the Devasthan and enquired from… Ram about the whereabouts of her missing daughter who told them that she may have gone to some relative’s house”.
The prayer hall where the girl had been confined was kept locked by Ram. On the same day, according to the chargesheet, “Khajuria and the juvenile opened the Devasthan and again sedated the girl by pushing sedatives into her mouth and forced her to drink water subsequently”.
“On January 11, the juvenile informed another accused Vishal Jangotra about the kidnapping of the girl telephonically and asked him to return from Meerut in case he wanted to satisfy his lust,’’ the chargesheet says.
On January 12, it says, Jangotra reached Rasana at 6 am. “At around 8.30 am, the juvenile again went to the Devasthan and administered 3 sedative tablets to the girl while she was unconscious with empty stomach,’’ the chargesheet says.
By now, it says, a police party from the Hiranagar station, including Khajuria, had started searching for the girl. “Khajuria…came to the house of accused Sanji Ram with another police official namely Iftikar Wani… Khajuria advised the juvenile to ensure administering of sedatives to the victim in time,’’ the chargesheet says.
“During investigation it transpired that the accused Ram had already taken the accused police officials into confidence and settled the deal with them,” it says.
The chargesheet says that Head Constable Raj, who was part of the search party, had asked Ram to bribe the police team. On January 12, Ram sent Rs 1.5 lakh to Raj through the juvenile’s mother, it says.
On January 13, the chargesheet says, “…accused Vishal Jangotra, the juvenile and accused Ram went to the Devasthan where Ram performed rituals”. Later, it says, Jangotra “raped the nomad girl. Thereafter, the juvenile also raped the girl”.
After keeping the girl in the prayer hall for days, the chargesheet says, Ram told the other accused that it was time to kill her and “dump her (body) in the forest”.
“…the accused Mannu, Vishal and juvenile took the victim from the Devasthan to a nearby culvert… accused Khajuria told the juvenile to wait as he wanted to rape the girl before she is killed,’’ the chargesheet says.
Describing the murder, the chargesheet states: “After committing the barbaric act of rape on the minor victim, the accused Khajuria kept her neck on his left thigh and started applying force with his hands on her neck in order to kill her… Khajuria was unsuccessful in killing her, the juvenile killed her by pressing his knees against her back while strangulating the girl by applying force on both the ends of her chunni. Thereafter, the accused, in order to make sure that the victim is dead, hit her twice on head with a stone.’’
The body was dumped inside the prayer hall as the accused couldn’t find a vehicle to transport it. On January 15, the chargsheet says, Ram “directed” the other accused to “throw the body in the jungle’’.