Friday, June 18, 2021

SC/ST के केस में पुलिस द्वारा किये गए अनदेखी व लापरवाही पर माननीय राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग (NHRC) सख्त


SC/ST के केस में पुलिस द्वारा किये गए अनदेखी व लापरवाही पर माननीय राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग (NHRC) सख्त

निम्नवत आदेश –

On the Date of 3/6/2021

The complainant Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, a human right activist, has alleged that a Dalit man named Ram Shankar s/o Ram Naresh Gautam was beaten by the upper caste accused persons on 27.4.2020, due to which the victim succumbed to the injuries inflicted by the accused persons. The complainant has alleged that the police have not registered case against the said accused persons. It is also alleged that the victims family fears that the police is being influenced by the accused persons. The Commission took cognizance of the matter on 28.07.2020 and directed the Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, to submit an action taken report within 4 weeks. However, no response has been received from the Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, till date despite an online reminder dated 08.01.2021. Therefore, the registry is directed to issue conditional summon to the Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, u/s 13 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 to appear before the Commission on 01.09.2021 at 11:00 AM along with the requisite report. Should however the requisite report is received by the Commission a week prior to the stipulated date the personal appearance of Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh shall stand dispensed with. However, if the Superintendant of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh fails to comply with the order of the commission without lawful excuse, the Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, might be subjected to the consequences of non-attendance laid down in Rule 10 and Rule 12 of Order XVI of Civil Procedure, 1908 and the Commission may be constrained to initiate criminal proceedings under sections 175/176 of Indian Penal Code,1860 and such other action as it deems proper under the Law.

On the Date of 8/1/2021

The complainant has alleged that a Dalit man named Ram Shankar s/o Ram Naresh Gautam was beaten by the upper caste accused persons on 27.4.2020, due to which the victim succumbed to the injuries inflicted by the accused persons. The complainant has alleged that the police have not registered case against the said accused persons. It is also alleged that the victims family fears that the police is being influenced by the accused persons. The Commission took cognizance into the matter on 28.07.020 and issued online letter dated 28.07.2020 to the Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh calling for an action taken report in the matter within four weeks. However, no response has been received till date. Let final reminder be issued to the Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh through online mode to submit an Action Taken Report in this matter within four weeks, failing which, the Commission may initiate a coercive process under Section 13 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. A copy of the complaint also be enclosed with the reminder letter for ready reference of the authority.

On the date of 28/7/2020

The complainant has alleged that a Dalit man named Ram Shankar, the victim, has been beaten by the upper caste accused persons on 27.4.2020. The victim succumbed to the injuries inflicted by the accused persons. The complainant has alleged that the police has not registered a case against the said accused persons. It is also alleged that the victims family fears that the police is being influenced by the accused persons. Let a copy of the complaint be transmitted to the Superintendent of Police, Rai Bareli, Uttar Pradesh through online communication asking him to submit an action taken report in the matter to the Commission within 4 weeks.


मानवधिकार जननिगरानी समिति द्वारा किये गए केस की प्रति -

अति महत्वपूर्ण

सेवा में,                                                        7 मई, 2020

माननीय अध्यक्ष महोदय,

राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार योग,

नई दिल्ली |


     आपका ध्यान ऑनलाइन न्यूज पोर्टल के इस खबर रायबरेली: दलित की गाय चरने खेत में घुसीदंबगों ने दलित को इतना पीटा की हुई मौतपुलिस की लापरवाही” की और आकृष्ट कराना चाहता हूँ उत्‍तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh) के रायबरेली जिले के भदोखर थाना क्षेत्र के बेला खारा गांव के निवासी राम नरेश गौतम का पुत्र राम शंकर 27 अप्रैल को अपने जानवर चरा रहा था | इस दौरान चरते-चरते उसके जानवर गांव के दबंग प्रमोद बाजपेई के खेत मे घुस गए | इस पर प्रमोद ने सिद्धार्थ बाजपेई के साथ मिलकर राम नरेश को बुरी तरह मारा-पीटा | इससे राम नरेश बुरी तरह घायल हो गया राम नरेश के घरवालों ने इसकी शिकायत थाने में कीलेकिन दबंगों के खिलाफ पुलिस ने मामला दर्ज नहीं किया | अब किशोर की मौत हो जाने के बाद मामले ने तूल पकड़ा और थानेदार ने महज शिकायत दर्ज करते हुए पोस्टमार्टम की रिपोर्ट पर कार्यवाही करने की बात कही |

     अतः आपसे विनम्र अनुरोध है कि कृपया इस मामले को संज्ञान में लेते हुए दोषियों और पुलिसकर्मियों के खिलाफ SC/ST एक्ट की कार्यवाही करते हुए न्यायोचित कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करे साथ ही मृतक के परिवार को उचित मुआवजा दिलाने की कृपा करे |


ऑनलाइन न्यूज पोर्टल की लिंक - light/816?fbclid=IwAR3rVOpkRTFkdHKIZtqUJz8V6KYi51SSFVGuJAWuWys3QmXiA920GNI4FiU




डा0 लेनिन रघुवंशी

Lenin Raghuvanshi

Founder and CEO

People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)

An initiative of Jan Mitra Nyas ISO 9001:2008

SA 4/2 A Daulatpur, Varanasi - 221002 India

Mobile no.+91-9935599333


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रायबरेली: दलित की गाय चरने खेत में घुसीदंबगों ने दलित को इतना पीटा की हुई मौतपुलिस की लापरवाही

 5 May 2020  dalitawaaz  1 Comment DalitDalit Atrocitiesdalit newsRaebareliUP PoliceUttar Pradeshउत्‍तर प्रदेशदलितदलित उत्‍पीड़नदलित न्‍यूज़यूपी पुलिसरायबरेली

उत्‍तर प्रदेश (Uttar Pradesh) के रायबरेली (Raebareli) में दलितों (Dalit) की बदतर की स्थिति और जातिगत भेदभाव का गंभीर मामला सामने आया हैसाथ ही उत्‍तर प्रदेश पुलिस की बड़ी लापरवाही भी. यहां एक ऊंची जाति के लोगों ने एक दलित युवक को इसलिए बेदर्दी से पीटाक्‍योंकि उसकी गाय उनके खेतों में चरने आ गई. नाराज़ ऊंची जाति के लोगों ने दलित किशोर और उसके साथियों को भी बुरी तरह मारा.

पत्रिका के अनुसारइसकी शिकायत थाने की गई तो दबंगों के रुतबे के कारण उनकी शिकायत भी दर्ज नहीं की गई. अब किशोर की मौत हो जाने के बाद मामले ने तूल पकड़ा और थानेदार ने महज शिकायत दर्ज करते हुए पोस्टमार्टम की रिपोर्ट पर कार्यवाही करने की बात कही.

रिपोर्ट के अनुसाररायबरेली जिले के भदोखर थाना क्षेत्र के बेला खारा गांव के निवासी राम नरेश गौतम का पुत्र राम शंकर 27 अप्रैल को अपने जानवर चरा रहा था. इस दौरान चरते-चरते उसके जानवर गांव के दबंग प्रमोद बाजपेई के खेत मे चले गए.

इस पर प्रमोद ने सिद्धार्थ बाजपेई के साथ मिलकर राम नरेश को बुरी तरह पीटा. इससे राम नरेश बुरी तरह चोटिल हो गया. राम नरेश के घरवालों ने इसकी शिकायत थाने में कीलेकिन दबंगों के खिलाफ पुलिस ने मामला दर्ज नहीं किया.

खबर के अनुसारइलाज के दौरान राम नरेश की कल अचानक तबियत बिगड़ गई. इसके बाद उसके परिजन उसे लेकर अस्पताल पहुंचे. यहां कुछ दलित नेताओं ने मामले की शिकायत एसपी से कर दी. इसके बाद एसपी के आदेश के पर थानेदार ने मुकदमा दर्ज कर लियालेकिन आज सोमवार को राम नरेश की मौत हो गई.


इससे मामले ने तूल पकड़ लिया. पुलिस ने शव को कब्जे में लेकर पोस्टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिया. मृतक के परिजनों ने पुलिस पर गंभीर लापरवाही का आरोप लगाया है और दूसरे पक्ष से मिलीभगत होने की बात कही है.

#NHRC #Labour #PVCHR #JMN #SC #PoliceTorture 

झारखंड के सरायकेला जिले में रहने वाले 236 कर्मचारी टायो कंपनी में काम करते थे | लेकिन साल 2016 में ये कंपनी अचानक बंद हो गई | सभी कर्मचारी बेरोजगार हो गए, इसके बाद पेट की खातिर इन लोगों ने दिहाड़ी मजदूरी करनी शुरू कर दी | जिसपर PVCHR ने शिकायत किया जिसके बाद माननीय NHRC ने संबंधित प्राधिकारी को शिकायतकर्ता और पीड़ित को संबद्ध करते हुए 8 सप्ताह के भीतर उचित कार्रवाई करने और मामले में की गई कार्रवाई से अवगत कराने का निर्देश दिया


NHRC issue Conditional Summon to the DM, Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh after intervene of PVCHR that 21 persons have been held as bonded labourers at a brick kiln


UP Police brutally beat up roadways driver who went to Gorakhpur to drop laborers trapped in lockdown after intervention of PVCHR, NHRC complaint be transmitted to the the SSP Lucknow.


Police beat up tribal youth who went to get ration in Madhya Pradesh, died in hospital NHRC issue notice to personal appearance of THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE,


Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Paradigm Shift Ep. 01 ft. Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi | Neo Dalit Movement...

In this episode, Rutik talks to Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi about caste-based discrimination, and the Neo Dalit movement. Dr. Lenin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 for his work for their efforts to combat masculinity driven militarist traditions, & for their contribution to improving conditions for peace in the world, and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of masculinity driven militarist traditions as a weapon of war and conflict. __________________________________ The Paradigm Shift is a show where we talk to high-impact individuals from different fields to learn about the socio-political affairs of the country and help start a conversation about these issues.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

an accused abused and sexually harassed a women by demanding sexual favour, at Amravati, Maharashtra Quarantine Centre. After complain of PVCHR, NHRC intervene in this case and Police lodge FIR against the accused and arrested him.


Case No.- 541/13/3/2020-WC



* * *



Fax No.: 011-24651332    Website:


Date : 04/09/2020  












         The complaint dated 12/05/2020, received from DR LENIN RAGHUVANSHI in respect of A WOMAN, was placed before the Commission on 04/09/2020. Upon perusing the complaint, the Commission directed as follows:


          The complainant has alleged that, on 12.05.2020, it was flashed on online aajtak news portal that the accused abused and sexually harassed a women by demanding sexual favour, at Amravati Quarantine Centre. The police arrested the said accused after registration of FIR. The complainant prays for intervention of the commission.

Transmit the copy of complaint to the SSP, Amravati and District Collector, Amravati for appropriate action.



2.         Accordingly, I am attaching scanned copy of the complaint for necessary action as per the directions of the Commission.




Yours faithfully


Indrajeet Kumar


M-2 Section

Ph. No. 011-24663287


CC to


Complainant Details:

Case No. 541/13/3/2020-WC






Indrajeet Kumar


Ph. No. 011-24663287


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिति के शिकायत के बाद माननीय राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग द्वारा हस्तक्षेप करने के पश्चात् पीड़ित को तीन लाख रुपये मुआवजा मिला


13 labours from Chhattisgarh are stuck in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. victims are left with no food and other essential items. The Complainant has sought the intervention of the commission for appropriate relief and after the intervention of NHRC they received the food and and other facilities


Case No.- 8099/24/48/2020
* * *
Fax No.: 011-24651332    Website:

Date : 02/06/2021  

Email- , Mob No- 9935599331

Subject: Comments of Complainant Called for(CCC) -8099/24/48/2020.
          With reference to your complaint dated 01/05/2020, I am directed to inform you that the above mentioned complaint along with the report received from the concerned authorities were placed before the Commission on 02/06/2021 Upon persuing the same, the Commission has directed as follows :-
         The Complainant, in his online complaint dated 01.05.2020 has alleged that 13 labours from Chhattisgarh are stuck in Lucknow in Plot 4/445, near dental clinic, Vijaynaty Khand, Gomti Nagar, District-Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on account of ongoing Lockdown due to corona virus. It is further alleged that the victims are left with no food and other essential items. The Complainant has sought the intervention of the commission for appropriate relief.

The Commission vide its proceeding dated 24.03.2021 had directed the registry to issue summons to the District Magistrate, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh for submission of requisite report in the instant case.

Pursuant to the directions of the Commission, a report dated 26.04.2021 has been submitted by the District Magistrate, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. It is reported that during enquiry, it is revealed that 13 nos. of labourers were residing in their huts and appropriate steps were taken to provide food and other facilities to the labourers during the lockdown period. At present, no labourers was found residing in the huts.

The Registry is directed to transmit copy of the report dated 26.04.2021 submitted by the District Magistrate, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh to the complainant, calling for the comment, if any within four weeks, positively. In case, the response from the complainant is not received within the stipulated time, the Commission shall proceed further on the basis of documents available on record.
Pursuant to the above directions, I am enclosing herewith a copy of the report for furnishing your comments, if any, by 10/07/2021, for consideration of the Commission.

Your’s faithfully


Debindra Kundraa


M-4 Section

Ph. No. 011-24663290
