Case Details of File Number: 30041/24/72/2017
Diary Number
Name of the Complainant
Name of the Victim
Place of Incident
Date of Incident
Direction issued by the Commission
These proceedings should be read in continuation of the
earlier proceedings of the Commission dated 24.10.2017. The substance of the
complaint dated 19.9.2017 by complainant Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi from Varanasi
U.P. was that on 9.9.2017 a 35 year old victim was found dead due to
electrocution and the same was allegedly the outcome of gross negligence of
the Energy Department officials of the state. According to the complainant,
the deceased Nizamuddin @ Pintu was dusting his shop room at the relevant
time when the electric conductor fell on him. Thus the complainant sought the
intervention of the Commission for necessary action against the erring
official and compensation to the next of the kin of the deceased. The
complainant also relied on the news reports published in Dainik Jagran and
Hindustan. The Commission took cognizance of the matter and issued notice to
the Principal Secretary, Energy Department, Government of U.P. for his
response. In response to the same, a report dated 26.9.2017 with enclosures was
received from the Director, Personnel and Administration, U.P. Power
Corporation Ltd. It was intimated that the next of the kin of the deceased
was paid an amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs through Cheque No. 007436 dt. 18.12.2017.
Further, it was intimated that disciplinary actions were also taken against
the erring officials. The Commission carefully considered the contents of the
reply. On a perusal of the case record it was found that proof of payment of
the cheque of Punjab National Bank was enclosed. Since the concerned State
authorities paid an amount of Rs 5 Lacs as compensation to the next of the
kin of the deceased and necessary disciplinary action was taken against the
erring officials as per law. In the circumstances and with the above
observations, the matter required no further intervention of the Commission,
accordingly the case be closed with an intimation to the complainant.
Action Taken
Concluded and No Further Action Required (Dated
1/30/2018 )
Status on 2/5/2018
The Case is Closed.
उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी जिले में सिगरा थाना –अंतर्गत पितरकुंडा तिराहे पर बिजली कर्मियों की घोर
लापरवाही से पीड़ित निजामुद्दीन का बिजली से मौत |
सेवा में,
19 सितम्बर,2017
अध्यक्ष महोदय,
राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार
आयोग ( नई दिल्ली )
विषय - उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी जिले में सिगरा थाना –अंतर्गत पितरकुंडा तिराहे पर बिजली कर्मियों की घोर लापरवाही से पीड़ित
निजामुद्दीन का बिजली से मौत |
महोदय – आपका ध्यान दैनिक जागरण दिनांक -19
सितम्बर 2017 पेज नम्बर 12 पर ध्यान आकुष्ट कराना चाहता हूँ की बिजली बिभाग की घोर
लापरवाही से पितरकुंडा निवासी निजामुद्दीन उर्फ़ पिंटू उम्र 35 वर्ष सडक पर खड़े थे,
उस समय पीड़ित अपना दुकान खोलने के लिए साफ सफाई कर रहे थे इतने में
पीड़ित बिजली के तार के चपेट में आ गया | जिससे बिजली
बिभाग की घोर लापरवाही से पीड़ित की मौत हुयी है |
अत: श्रीमान जी
से विन्रम निवेदन है की इस प्रकरण को संज्ञान में लेते हुए बिजली बिभाग कर्मी पर
घोर लापरवाही का जाँच की जाये और पीड़ित परिवार को पुनर्वासित करने के लिए उनको
परिवार को मुआवजा मिले |
डा.लेनिन रघुवंशी
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